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Updated: Jan 22, 2020

I can't believe I didn't enjoy this dish before, despite living in the Netherlands for 2.5 years already! As the days are now getting colder, there are more excuses to sit in front of a good Netflix show, cuddled in a blanket and enjoying this bowl of amazing goodness. It's definitely a candidate for the best comfort food in the dark days to come ;)

Ingredients (2 portions):

  • 700g soft-cooking Potatoes

  • 400g Endive Salad or Kale

  • 1-2 Onions

  • 150g Bacon (Spekblokjes)

  • ~200 ml Milk

  • ~40g Butter


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes and cook until soft (~20-30 minutes). (If you're using kale, make sure to also cook it before use: You can just chuck it in with the potatoes).

  2. Meanwhile, if you're using endive, chop it up and dice the onions.

  3. In a pan, cook the onion and bacon, until the bacon has turned golden brown, then set aside.

  4. Once the potatoes are ready, mash them thoroughly and add the butter and milk successively until the potato mash is smooth.

  5. Mix in the endive (if you use kale, it will already be cooked with the potatoes), onions and bacon. It's that simple! Enjoy :D


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