These are certainly unusual times we find ourselves in and I am currently more or less stuck in Maastricht because of upcoming German Corona regulations. This means I will not have the chance to go to a German bakery and buy the delicious bread :O Instead, I now bake it myself and it was surprisingly simple. No yeast, so no waiting for the dough to rise. Simply mixing the ingredients together and baking the bread in the oven. Great for a wholesome and fibre-rich breakfast, just what you need to get through a whole day of quarantining and working from home :)
100g Shredded Linseed
2 tbsp Agave Syrup
600ml Water
50g Pumpkin Seeds
50g Sunflower Seeds
100g Oats
300g Flour (I use Spelt Flour)
2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
2.5 tbsp Olive Oil
In a small bowl, mix the shredded linseeds with the agave syrup and water, and leave it to soak for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the pumpkin and sunflower seeds with the oats, flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl.
Preheat your oven to 160°C.
Mix the soaked linseeds and olive oil into the flour mixture. Thoroughly combine the mixture.
Lightly oil and flour a baking tin. Fill the dough into the tin and bake for approximately 60-70 minutes. The bread should turn slightly brown, add some baking time if needed.
Note: The bread is suitable for vegans :)
Note also: The bread is naturally quite moist, don't confuse it with being undercooked (besides, there is no egg in the bread, so you needn't worry about that). To keep it fresh, wrap it up in some baking paper and fixate it with an elastic band. Like this, it will stay fresh for 4-5 days :)