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Chia Pudding

During the summer holidays this was by far my favourite breakfast! Enjoy it with fresh fruits and some nut butter to keep you full for hours while not being a heavy load on your stomach and guts. It's also a perfect breakfast to prepare the evening before and take to lectures or work with you the next morning :)

Chia Pudding (1 portion):

  • 30g Chia Seeds (alternatively linseeds)

  • 250ml Almond Milk

  • 1 tbsp Maple Syrup

  • 10g Cocoa Nibs

  • 1 tbsp Nut Butter

  • Fresh Fruit


Mix the chia seeds, milk and maple syrup and let to soak for about 20 minutes. Top the pudding off with your favourite toppings; For me that is a spoonful of almond butter, some cocoa nibs for the crunch and a variety of fresh fruits!


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